Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Shortcuts to all my FREE froggy crafts and cool activities.
English, maths, colouring and more!
Click the thumbnails below and download directly, or scroll down this page to inspect and see further details on each activity. HAVE FUN!

600 frog species in Ecuador including the incredible ' see-through' frog. Imagine having your organs on display!?

Brazil has more frog species than any other country. Imagine over 1000 different frogs and toads, amazing!

This Bug Belly website gets lots of views from Holland, so I thought I'd say Hoi, and make the Netherlands the very first in my brand new frog infographic - 'How to say FROG around the world'. 

Watch how I drew and illustrated this cheeky Christmas frog sitting with 4 Robin friends.
image of pencil drawing turning onto a full colour illustration of Christmas robins with a frog.


Fun frog facts video - 


image of frog development in stages

Draw like a professional illustrator by copying what you see in the bottom picture into the grid squares above. It's a great method to practice drawing. You could even GO LARGE and make a giant copy of the exact same grid, and then make a giant copy of Bug Belly and pals on the lily leaf.
A4 grid sheet for making large copy of frog picture

Why not curl up with a copy of Babysitting Trouble and now Froggy Rescue and challenge yourself to Bug Belly i-Spy!? Can you find 30 images that are scattered throughout the book. Some are easy some are really tricky. How many can you find? Four free downloads now available.

Brand new FROGSPAWN WORDPOPS. Fun and easy word puzzles. 4 pages with 3 frogspawn puzzles on each.

Shortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activities
Shortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activities            
Shortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activities
Shortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly crafts and activitiesShortcut link to Bug Belly videos of Paul Morton drawing
Keep checking back as Bug Belly will be adding more each week.
Including How to make your own delumptious edible bug sweets!!!

To celebrate this event here are 5 fabulous Bug Belly activity pages to help you get
outdoors and investigate nature.
graphic showing the 5 pdf's to download for Outdoor Classroom Day 2020

  • .

Tuesday, 20 April 2021


30 April 2022

Let's make Tree Frogs

Every day ought to be Save the Frogs day as they are a litmus paper for the health of our planet. There are lots of vital and interesting frog, toad and amphibian organisations in the world, some are listed below. There is a WORLD FROG DAY, SAVE THE FROGS DAY, AMPHIBIAN WEEK, FROG JUMPING DAY.

To celebrate all of these and particularly to be in time for Save the Frogs Day, (last Saturday in April). I have created and made available these gorgeous little tree frog models.

title image of video about making tree frog models

There are 4 to collect so far, with more to come.
Each frog has 2 A4 sheets, sheet 1 has the frog parts, the info tab and the colour reference image, sheet 2 has the simple instructions. Colour, cut out and make, and then learn about these tiny little gems. One of which is THE MOST TOXIC CREATURE ON THE PLANET!!!!
Also, I've made a short instruction video showing how to colour in and assemble these tree frogs. I'd love to see your tree frogs when they are made. If you send them to hot.frog@me.com I will feature them in the Bug Belly frog gallery. Have fun.

Bug Belly crafts, making tree frogs

download A4 craft sheet for making tree frogs

download A4 craft sheet for making tree frogs

Bug Belly crafts, making tree frogs

Some of the frog organisations
save the frogs logo

Current number of amphibian species: 8,450 (Mar 31, 2022)

Monday, 22 March 2021

Be sure to bookmark this section of the Bug Belly site and keep checking back for new stuff.
!!Follow Bug Belly by email (see bottom of page) be the first to hear about new free froggy goodies!!
Pictures introducing frog crafts for Bug Belly
Photos of frog crafts for ‘Bug Belly’ book
These are just some of the fantastic froggy goodies you can download and make. And please - send Bug Belly some photographs of what you make, he loves to put them in his special gallery.
Email to: hot.frog@me.com

video of author/illustrator Paul Morton drawing one of his bug belly characters


Thursday, 4 March 2021

Help Bug Belly decide what to do next. Look at the map and then write a story.
Can you make a super scary disguise, and more! Seven A4 sheets.
Download full set (7 sheets) as a single PDF

Tadpoles to colour and count. Jumping frogs with coloured spots and more! Four A4 sheets.(more coming soon)

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

picture advertising free bug belly bookplates
This is a great idea for any frog themed parties. Celebrate getting your Bug Belly book online!
Make your own incredible edible frog spawn! 
It looks amazing and tastes even better. You will need ...
Spherical ice cube tray (plenty to order online)
1 pack lime flavoured jello (US) - jelly (UK)
handful of blueberries, measuring jug
stirring stick, refrigerator

Photograph 1 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

Unwrap and prepare the Jello. I find it quicker and easier to snip the chunks into small pieces using scissors.
You can even afford it eat a bit as you do this! : )
As you can see my blueberries are frozen but don't have to be.

Photograph 2 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

This next bit is important. Follow the instructions on your particular brand BUT you shouldn't use as much hot water as it suggests to melt the pieces. At least HALVE what it recommends and maybe even a bit less than that. You want the resulting Jello to come out of the mould stronger, more concentrated, and much firmer than normal.

A short blast in the microwave helps melt the pieces more quickly. Once mixed thoroughly and dissolved, pour your delicious smelling liquid lime Jello into the bottom half of your spherical mould, almost to the top. 
And then ..... wait!!!!! 
Yes, this is the boring bit, you need to let the mixture start to set before adding your blueberries.
The time will vary from brand to brand so just be patient.

Photograph 4 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

Now comes the only tricky part. If your Jello has 'semi set' to just the right consistency it will be a thick liquid and a bit wobbly. You will be able to plop each blueberry into place smack in the middle of the circles. Sometimes they float out of position so wait until you've placed all of them and then using a cocktail stick, or similar, gently push them into place.

Photograph 5 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

Once you're happy with their positions, drop the top half of the mould smartly on top and begin pressing down, forcing out the excess liquid Jello. Don't worry about making a mess you can lick (I mean clean) it up afterwards.

Photograph 6 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

Pop it into the refrigerator for about an hour or more and then the best bit is opening up the moulds to reveal your perfect Jello spheres. With this particular mould I use a round knife tip to gently prise it apart.

Photograph 7 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

If your Jello is just the right consistency you will be able to gently tease and ease the balls out of the lower half of the mould taking care not to rip off the top half. They will even bounce nicely on the worktop if you should drop them.

Photograph 8 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

Pretty amazing and realistic huh?
AND if you want to see how this compares to actual frog spawn, CLICK HERE!

Photograph 9 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

The incredible edible frog spawn looks great when served with ice cream, or make lots and simply pile it in a great heap and let the party goers dig in. 

Photograph 10 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

I hope you enjoy making this incredible edible spawn and remember to check back each week or so for more froggy freebies and great ideas.

Photograph 11 of 11  How to make edible frog spawn

why not download this handy graphic as a reminder ...

graphic chart of how to make edible frogspawn
